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Perfecting print 
with sound, light & video

DuMont Video Card

Audio Logo GmbH_Videokarte_A5quer
Audio Logo GmbH_Videokarte_A5quer

Storytelling in Moving Pictures

Name brands want to present themselves differently. This is the core competency of the media house DuMont Rheinland,  as a cross-media storymaker/teller with workshops, innovative campaign creations and skillful implementation, to build brands for their customers.   Whether it’s a sofa of a furniture manufacturer that goes traveling, whether it’s a two-wheel center with multi-channel tools that are made known or the local history of a world car company to be told. DuMont uses its cross-media skills to stage brand stories in a particularly impressive and sustainable way.

And how do you tell the story of storytelling most convincingly? In moving pictures! For this purpose, the Audio Logo team created a video-in-print card for the DuMont media house that tells the story of 3 very successful case studies and the conceptual approach of the Rheinlander. Providing a call-to-action for booking the associated story-telling workshop, this success story encourages the recipient to write his own. The video card is used both as a self-presentation and a sales tool in the context of acquisition.

True to the motto: Special success wants to be presented successfully.


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